1020 Motherboard Setup - BIOS Features

Menu Item Options Description
Anti-Virus Protection Disabled
Disables/enables built-in virus protection for the BIOS.
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking Disabled
Disables/enables level 2 cache error correction functions.
Processor Number Feature Enabled
Disables/enables the Pentium III Serial Number Utility.
Quick Power On Self Test Disabled
Allows the user to skip some areas of the system POST to speed up boot time.
Boot From LAN First Disabled
Overrides the boot sequence and looks for bootable media on a LAN connection before executing the standard boot sequence.
Boot Up NumLock Status On
Allows the user to set whether or not the NumLock key is automatically enabled on boot up.
Gate A20 Option Fast
Sets the Gate A20 operating mode. If Fast is selected, the A20 signal is controlled by Port 92 or chipset-specific method. If Normal is selected, the A20 signal is controlled by the keyboard controller or chipset hardware.
Security Option System
System - the system will not boot and access to CMOS Setup will be denied without valid password.
Setup - the system will boot, but access to CMOS Setup will be denied without valid password.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop Disabled
Disables/enables palette snooping.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB Non-OS2
Allows OS2® to be used with > 64MB of DRAM. Set to OS2 if using more than 64MB and running OS/2®
Delay For HDD (Secs) (0 - 15) Sets the hard disk pre-delay interval, allowing UDMA hard drives time to spin up prior to CMOS attempting to recognize them.
DMI Event Log Enabled
Enables/disables DMI event logging.
Clear All DMI Event Log No
If Yes is selected, the DMI Event Log will be cleared on next boot. This option will automatically reset itself to No after rebooting.
View DMI Event Log None Press Enter to view the DMI Event Log.
Mark DMI Events as Read None Press Enter to mark all DMI Events as having been read.
Event Log Capacity Informational Only Indicates if there is space available in the event log.
Event Log Validity Informational Only Indicates if the contents of the event log are valid.

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