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PB 301 Sockets




U8 OTI069 Video Clock Synthesizer, OAK Technology
U16 KMC7100 Keyboard Controller, INTEL
U17 82C862 UM82C862F 9145-AS, Super Multi I/O, UMC
U19 OTI067C VGA Controller, Oak Technology
U20 OTI066ADV-66 Color Palette, OAK Technology
U21 MC146818AP Real Time Clock, Motorola
U27, U29   Video Memory (first 256k)
U28, U30   Video Memory (second 256k only for 512k MB
U31   BIOS
U32 ACC2036  
U48 80386SX CPU
U58 80387SX Math Co-Processor (Optional)
BT1   Battery
BZ1   Piezoelectric Speaker