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PB 386 33 Jumpers


Indicates default settings.

Total Onboard RAM None 1MB
E7-E9 2MB
E6-E8 4MB
E6-E8, E7-E9 8MB
RAM Size E16-E18,E17-E19 256k SIMM
E18-E20,E19-E21 1MB SIMM
E2-E4,E3-E5 Fast-Paged
E3-E5 Static-Column
Parallel Port E25-E26,E29-E30 LPT1 (IRQ7)
E26-E27,E28-E29 LPT2 (IRQ7)
Serial Port 1-COM1 E31-E32 Enabled
E32-E33 Disabled
Serial Port 2-COM2 E34-E35 Enabled
E35-E36 Disabled
Video Display E37-E38 Monochrome
E38-E39 Color
Keyboard Reset E40-E41 Enabled
E41-E42 Disabled
Math Coprocessor E43-E44 Installed
E44-E45 Not Installed
Printer E46-E47 Leading Edge
Acknowledge E47-E48 Trailing Edge
EPROM Size E49-E50 64k
E50-E51 128k
Test E52-E53 Leave Open