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PB400/PB401T Video Memory Upgrade Information

Warning Only authorized service personnel should upgrade the system. Anyone who wants to upgrade the system herself/himself should know about the dangers of ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and the necessary precautions. Unknowingly zapping the components of the computer will void the warranty.

Video Memory


The video DRAM sockets are 20-pin. DRAM ordered for memory upgrade need to be 20-pin. These are NOT proprietary DRAMs.
Video mode 59h (1024x768, 256 colors) is always interlaced.
    º Total  ³ Surface ³ Sockets            º
    º Memory ³ Mount   ³ U23 - U26          º
    º 512KB  ³ 512KB   ³ None               º
    º 1MB    ³ 512KB   ³ (4) 256K x 4, 70ns º