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PB450 Video Memory Upgrade

Caution Only authorized service personnel should upgrade the system. Anyone who wants to upgrade the system themselves should know about the dangers of ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and the necessary precautions. Unknowingly zapping the components of the computer will void the warranty.

Video Memory Specifications
The PB450 with a CL-5428 chip is upgradeable to 2 MB of video memory by adding two 256Kx16 (symmetrical, CAS line) DRAM ZIPs. The DRAM ZIPs used on this motherboard are the same chips used on the PB430/440 systems. They are not the same as the ZIPs used for the PB410/420/420T systems. ZIPs for the PB410/420 will not work in this motherboard.

The part number for one such ZIP is: MT4C16257Z (MICRON)

Pin 1 on the DRAM ZIP is on the "slanted" side of the chip, as shown.

Component Locations
Pin 1 on the ZIP sockets on the PB450 motherboard, is located towards the back left side of the motherboard, close to the JVESA connector.

The ZIP is installed with the beveled end towards the back of the motherboard. Check to make certain that all the legs on the chip are properly seated in the socket before pushing them in, or the chip will be damaged.

Upgrade Table
End users should contact end user Service for video memory, use part number B295. The user will need two pieces to perform the upgrade.