PB470 Video System Screen


Press <F2> during post to get into setup. The following setup screens are samples only.



Video System This setting sets what the default video system is currently installed. The options for this setting is as follows:
    EGA / VGA
    CGA 80x25
Maximum Vertical Resolution This setting controls the maximum number of vertical scanlines that the onboard video system will recognize. The options for this setting is as follows:
640x480 Frequency This setting controls the default vertical frequency for the video resolution of 640x480. The options for this setting is as follows:
800x600 Frequency This setting controls the default vertical frequency for the video resolution of 800x600. The options for this setting is as follows:
1024x768 Frequency This setting controls the default vertical frequency for the video resolution of 1024x768. The options for this setting is as follows:
    87Hz Interlaced
1280x1024 Frequency This setting controls the default vertical frequency for the video resolution of 1280x1024. The options for this setting is as follows:
    87Hz Interlaced