PB470 Integrated Peripherals Screen


Press <F2> during post to get into setup. The following setup screens are samples only.



COM A: This setting determines the port, address, and IRQ of the external serial port. The options for this setting is as follows:
    COM1 IRQ4
    COM2 IRQ3
    COM3 IRQ4
    COM4 IRQ3
Modem / COM B: This setting determines the port, address, and IRQ of the internal header or daughterboard modem. The options for this setting is as follows:
    COM1 IRQ4
    COM2 IRQ3
    COM3 IRQ4
    COM4 IRQ3
COM 3-4 Base This setting controls the base address for COM3 & COM4. The available options for this setting is as follows:
LPT Port This setting controls the port and address for the parallel port. The available options for this setting is as follows:
    LPT1 - 378h
    LPT2 - 278h
    LPT3 - 3BCh
LPT Mode This setting controls the parallel port mode. The available options for this setting is as follows:
    Output Only
Diskette Controller This setting enables or disables the onboard floppy controller.
IDE Controller This setting enables or disables the onboard IDE controller.
PS/2 Mouse This setting enables or disables the PS/2 port mouse connector.
LAN Adapter This setting enables or disables the onboard LAN controller/adapter.
LAN I/O Base This setting controls the base I/O address for the LAN chipset. The available options for this setting is as follows:
LAN IRQ This setting controls which IRQ the LAN Chipset is going to use. The available options for this setting is as follows:
LAN Buffer This setting controls memory buffering address for the LAN Chipset. The available options for this option is as follows: