PB680 Floppy Options

Menu Item Options Description
Floppy A:
Floppy B:
Not Installed
The presence of floppy drives is auto detected and cannot be manually changed.
Floopy A: Type
Floppy B: Type
630Kb 5.25"
1.2Mb 5.25"
720Kb 3.5"
1.44/1.25Mb 3.5"
2.88Mb 3.5"
Selects floppy type.
Floppy Access Read/Write
Read Only
Selects floppy access mode. If Read Only is selected, the floppy will not be writable even if the tab on the disk is set for read/write.

Document Information
KBID# 045654, Last Reviewed: March 22, 1999

Copyright© 1997-1999 Packard Bell NEC, Inc.