PB680 Plug and Play Configuration

Menu Item Options Description
Configuration Mode Use BIOS Setup
Use PnP OS
Allows ISA card IRQ information to be entered through Setup or the PnP OS. IRQ information is needed to prevent conflicts between Plug and Play cards and regular ISA cards.
ISA Shared Memory Size Disabled
16 KB
32 KB
48 KB
64 KB
80 KB
96 KB
Selects the size of the shared memory range. A size of 96K can only be achieved if the base address is C800h. This option will only be shown if the Configuration Mode is set to "Use Setup Utility".
IRQ 10
IRQ 11
Used by ISA card
Allows IRQ resources to be allocated for ISA devices. This option will only be shown if the Configuration Mode is set to "Use BIOS Setup".