PB680 Advanced Chipset Configuration

Not all systems ship with EDO RAM. Fast page mode RAM may be installed in one or two banks.

Menu Item Options Description
Base Memory Size 512 KB
640 KB
Allows the user to disable on-board DRAM to access memory locations from 80000-9FFFFh on the ISA bus.
ISA LFB Size Disabled
1 MB
2 MB
4 MB
Selects the size of Linear Frame Buffer. The base of this memory reported to the operating system will be 1MB below the base address of the LFB.
Vidoe Palette Snoop Disable
Enabling video palette snoop allows ISA add-in cards to share a common palette with the on-board graphics controller.
Latency Timer
(PCI Clocks)
1-999 Guarantees a PCI card access to the PCI bus within the specified number of PCI clocks.
Bank 0
Bank 1
EDO Mode
Fast Page Mode
Not Installed
This reports the type of RAM installed. This is informational only, and cannot be changed manually.