680 Motherboard: Hard Drive Controller Conflicts

Hard Drive Controller Conflicts in Device Manager. CD-ROM drive may work when booting to the restore diskette but does not work within windows.

1. Check BIOS version by pressing F1 during post. The BIOS version is listed in the last line on the main screen.
2. If the BIOS version is not version 1.00.12 perform a BIOS upgrade. The BIOS is downloadable from http://support.packardbell.com/downloads/drivers.asp?bios. The file name is 680mb.exe
3. Check the hard disk drive format number (found in System Credentials or BOM viewer). If the hard disk drive format number is less than 556999 download and install HDDFIX.EXE from http://support.packardbell.com/downloads/drivers.asp?cdrom. If the issue persists or none of the above steps apply:
1. Boot using Safe Mode (press F8 immediately after the POST beep and choose Safe Mode from the menu).
2. Remove the first 'Hard Disk Controller' from 'Device Manager' by clicking on the device and then clicking on the 'Remove' button. Confirm the removal of the device.
3. Boot to the Restore Diskette and exit the menu. At the prompt type (without quotes) "fdisk /mbr" then press <ENTER>.
4. At the A: prompt type (without the quotes) "sys c:" then press <ENTER>.
5. At the A: prompt type (without the quotes) "C:" then press <ENTER>.
6. At the C: prompt type (without the quotes) "rename autoexec.bat autoexec.bak" then press <ENTER>.
7. At the C: prompt type (without the quotes) "rename config.sys config.bak" then press <ENTER>.
8. At the C: prompt type (without the quotes) "debug" then press <ENTER>.
9. At the dash prompt type:
-o70 16 (o the letter as in Orange)
-o71 16 (o the letter as in Orange)
10. Power the system down for 30 seconds.
11. Turn the system back on and press the F1 key when prompted to enter setup.
12. Press the F10 key in setup to save the changes and exit.
13. Remove the Restore Diskette from the floppy drive.
14. Press <ENTER> to proceed.
15. After the system beeps, press the F8 key and choose safe mode from the menu.
16. Click Start, Shut down, and Restart the computer.
17. System should eventually enter Windows.