760 Primary IDE Master Submenu

Primary IDE Master - Click to return to previous screen.

Menu Item Options Description
IDE Device Configuration Auto Configured
User Definable
Auto Configured - the BIOS automatically senses and configures any IDE drives in the system.
User Definable - allows user to explicitly configure the IDE drive parameters.
Number of Cylinders   Informational Only.
Number of Heads   Informational Only.
Number of Sectors   Informational Only.
Maximum Capacity Informative only Capacity value calculated from Cylinder, head, and Sector information above.
IDE Translation Mode Standard CHS
Logical Block
Extended CHS
Auto Detected
Selects the translation mode for the IDE hard disk. Standard CHS addressing (cylinder count of 1024 or less), Extended CHS addressing (cylinder count > 1024), Logical Block addressing (if supported by disk). "Auto Detect" will select the proper method based on information from the hard disk.
Multiple Sector Setting Disabled
4 Sectors/Block
8 Sectors/Block
Auto Detected
Sets IDE programmed I/O cycles so that multiple sectors are transferred with a single interrupt.
Fast Programmed I/O Modes Disabled
Auto Detected
When set to "Auto Detected", the BIOS will query an IDE hard disk connected to the PCI IDE bus and use the fastest PIO protocol supported by the hard disk/controller pair.