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ATI Xpert 98 AGP 2x Setup

Systems which ship with the ATI Xpert 98 AGP 2x Video Card will be setup correctly as displayed in the ATI Xpert 98 AGP 2x Device Manager screen.

If this card is added to a system the card will autodetect and setup to an ATI 3D Rage Pro.
The following screens display the steps required to enable the ATI Xpert 98 AGP 2x Video driver.

The setup information file is located on the Windows 98 Recovery CD at this location: X:\Win98\Windows\INF (X = CD-ROM drive letter).
The driver files are located in X:\Win98\Windows\Options\Cabs (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

Installation Of The ATI Xpert 98 AGP 2x Video Driver

  1. Goto the Windows Device Manager.
  2. Double click on the current display adapter (ATI 3D Rage Pro).
  3. Select "Driver".
  4. Select "Update Driver".
  5. Reboot computer.

Windows will setup the display adapter, then require an additional reboot to finish setting up the display adapter and the monitor.

Device Manager Screens

Display Properties Screen