WARNING: This information is provided "as is" with no warranty. Use at your own risk!
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PB800/PB900 Upgrade Information

Caution Only authorized service personnel should upgrade the system. Anyone who wants to upgrade the system themselves should know about the dangers of ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and the necessary precautions. Unknowingly zapping the components of the computer will void the warranty.

A. This system will support an 80287-8 math coprocessor. It should be installed at location U16. Set J19 to pins 1-2.

B. This system will also support an 80287-10 math co-processor. It should be installed at location U16. A 30-32MHz crystal need to be installed at U17. Set J19 to pins 2-3.

This system does not support cache memory.

This system has a video card installed. Replace the video card for video memory upgrades.

, 1999