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810 Setup Integrated Peripherals Menu

810 BIOS Integrated Peripherals Menu.  Click on the graphic to return to previous screen.

Menu Item Options Description
Onboard Primary IDE Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard Primary IDE controller.
Onboard Secondary IDE Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard Secondary IDE controller.
Hard Disk Pre-Delay Disabled
3 sec.
6 sec.
9 sec.
12 sec.
15 sec.
21 sec.
30 sec.
Keeps the BIOS from searching for a drive until the specified predelay time has passed. This allows certain drives time to "spin up" before being detected by the BIOS. This option was instituted to enable Ultra-DMA to function with most drives.
USB Controller Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard USB controller.
Onboard FDC Controller Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard FDC controller.
Onboard Serial Port A (Various address/ IRQ settings)
Allows the user to select what address and IRQ are designated for Serial Port A.
Onboard Serial Port B Disabled Allows the user to select what address and IRQ are designated for Serial Port b.
Onboard Parallel Port Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard parallel port.
Parallel Port Mode Bi-Direct
Allows the user to select which operating mode the onboard parallel port utilizes.
Onboard Audio Chip Enabled
Allows the user to enable or disable the onboard audio chipset.

, Last Reviewed: June 25