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850 CPU Upgrade

Caution Only authorized service personnel should upgrade the system. Anyone who wants to upgrade the system herself/himself should know about the dangers of ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and the necessary precautions. Unknowingly zapping the components of the computer will void the warranty.

This motherboard can accommodate the following CPUs:

Intel P54C/P55C: 75 - 233 MHz Cyrix 6X86/6X86L, PR120+ - PR166+
IDT C6: 150 - 200 MHz Cyrix 6X86MX, PR133+ - PR233+
AMD K5 Cyrix MII: 266 - 333
AMD K6: 266 MHz
AMD K6-2: 300 - 333 MHz

Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket
Uses the 321-pin Type 7 CPU Socket
Not keyboard switchable.
Disable cache to slow down the system.

When upgrading the CPU, use the CPU Clock Selection jumpers (JP14, JP15, and JP16) to set the host bus frequency and the CPU/Bus Speed Selection jumpers (JP1, JP2, and JP3) to set the clock multiplier. Information on jumper locations and settings can be found in the Rev. B Motherboard Jumpers and Rev. D Motherboard Jumpers sections.