860 Motherboard Setup - IDE

The options and screens for Primary IDE Master, Primary IDE Slave, Secondary IDE Master and Secondary IDE Slave are identical.

Menu Item Options Description
Type Auto
Auto - BIOS detects type and properties of the primary IDE drive.
User - allows the user to provide the BIOS with the specific properties of the primary IDE drive. Usually only used if the BIOS fails to correctly detect the drive.
CD-ROM - Instructs the BIOS to recognize the CD-ROM drive as the Primary IDE drive.
None - used only when there are no IDE drives installed.
Cylinders When drive is user-defined, number of cylinders can be manually input. For all other drive types this field will display the number of cylinders detected.
Heads When drive is user-defined, number of heads can be manually input. For all other drive types this field will display the number of heads detected.
Sectors When drive is user-defined, number of sectors can be manually input. For all other drive types this field will display the number of sectors detected.
Maximum Capacity Informational only. The system will calculate the maximum capacity of the drive based on cylinder, head and sector information listed above.
Total Sectors Informational only.
Maximum Capacity Informational only. The system will calculate the maximum capacity of the drive based on cylinder, head and sector information listed above.
Multi-sector Transfers 16 Sectors/Block
8 Sectors/Block
4 Sectors/Block
2 Sectors/Block
Sets IDE programmed I/O cycles so that multiple sectors are transferred with a single interrupt.
LBA Mode Control Enabled
Allows user to enable or disable Logical Block Addressing Mode Control.
32-bit I/O Enabled
Allows user to enable or disable 32-bit I/O Control.
Transfer Mode Standard
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 4
Allows the user to select what data transfer mode the system uses.