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872 Motherboard CPU Upgrade

This motherboard utilizes the SEC slot (SLOT1), which is a staggered 242 pin Single Edge Contact slot. This motherboard is designed to be upgradable with any of the following processors:

The SEC cartridge has a heatsink, either full- or half-size, mounted to it, which cannot be removed without removing the SEC cartridge. The full-size heat sink is supported by the Heatsink Support Base and Top Bar, which secures the heatsink and protects the PCI chipset underneath it. If the heat sink has a fan mounted on it, the fan power supply connector must be disconnected before the SEC cartridge can be safely removed. For processors operating up to 333MHz, the speed of the processor can be set by using the configuration jumper (J8A1) on the motherboard to enable Configuration Mode. (See Motherboard Layout for setting information.) For processors operating at 350MHz or faster, the processor speed will be auto-detected on boot-up.

Figure 1
Figure 1 Legend
A SEC Cartridge with Example Heatsink Attached
B SEC Cartridge Retention Mechanism
C Heatsink Support Base
D Heatsink Support Top Bar
E Right Latch Arm
F Left Latch Arm

CPU Removal & Insertion (Figure 1)
Note: Observe Electro Static Discharge (ESD) precautions.

The steps for removal of the SEC Cartridge are as follows:

  1. Ensure that the system is powered off, but still plugged in.
  2. If the SEC cartridge (A) has a full-size heatsink mounted on it, remove the Heatsink Support Top Bar (D) from the Heatsink Support Base (C) by squeezing together the tabs at either end of the bar and pulling the bar away from the SEC cartridge.
  3. If the heat sink has a fan mounted on it, disconnect the fan power supply from the motherboard.
  4. Remove the SEC from the SEC Cartridge Retention Mechanism (B) by squeezing together the left and right latch arms (E & F) at the end of the SEC cartridge, and pulling the cartridge straight up.

Reverse the above procedure for reinstallation.