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Yamaha DS XG Audio Setup

Installing Yamaha DS XG Audio
  1. Turn the computer off and insert audio card into an ISA slot unless the audio chipset is integrated into the motherboard.
  2. Start system running Windows 95/98.
  3. Windows 95/98 detects the Yamaha DS XG PnP Audio Device.
  4. If the files are not located on the system drive then Windows 95/98 prompts for the manufacturer's Disk.
  5. Select the appropriate drive: (X = CD-ROM Drive letter)
    Windows 95 = X:\BU\D\WIN95.DAT\WINDOWS\INF (Install Information)
    Windows 98 = X:\WIN98\WINDOWS\INF (Install Information)
  6. Windows 95/98 detects the Yamaha DS XG devices and installs the drivers.