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880 Setup - Boot Options

Menu Item Options Description
Quick Boot Mode Disabled
Enables the system to boot without running certain POST tests.
Scan User Flash Area Disabled
Enables the BIOS to scan the flash memory for user binary files that are executed at boot time.
After Power Failure Stay Off
Power On
Last State
Specifies the mode of operation if an AC/Power loss occurs.
On Modem Ring Power On
Stay Off
Specifies how the system responds to an incoming call on an installed modem when the power is off.
On LAN Power On
Stay Off
Specifies how the system responds to a LAN wakeup event when the power is off.
On PME Power On
Stay Off
Specifies how the system responds to a PME wakeup event when the power is off.
First Boot Device
Second Boot Device
Third Boot Device
Fourth Boot Device
Removable Devices
Hard Drive
Network Boot
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence, select the boot device with the up/down arrow keys, and press "+" to move the device up the list or "-" to move the device down the list.
Hard Drive None Allows the user to set the sequence of hard drives or bootable add-in cards to be searched for an operating system on boot-up.
Removable Devices None Allows the user to set the sequence of removable drives to be searched for an operating system on boot-up.