930/950 Power Management Setup

Menu Item Options Description
Power Management Disable
Min Saving
User Defined
Max Saving
Max and Min set power management options to pre-defined values. User Defined allows the user to input values to the other options on this screen. Disable turns off all power management functions.
PM Control by APM Yes
Selecting Yes causes Power Management features to be controlled by an advanced operating system, such as Windows95(r). Selecting No causes the Power Management features to be controlled by the BIOS.
Video Off Option Susp
Determines the method of power savings used by video display.
Video Off Method Blank Screen
V/H Sync+Blank
Blank Screen causes the system to blank the screen in power savings mode. V/H Sync+Blank causes the system to turn off the V-Sync & H-Sync signals as well as blanking the screen. DPMS mode can only be used by a video card that adheres to the DPMS Standard.
Green Button Enabled
Enables/disables Green Button Function for power saving.
Doze Speed (div by) 1 - 8 Sets the CPU speed during Doze mode to a specified fration of the normal CPU speed.
Stdby Speed (div by) 1 - 8 Sets the CPU speed during Standby mode to a specified fration of the normal CPU speed.
Modem Use IRQ NA
Allows the user to select which interrupt is to be used by the modem. NA should be selected if there is no modem installed.
Doze Mode
Standby Mode
Suspend Mode
1 min
2 min
4 min
6 min
8 min
10 min
20 min
30 min
40 min
1 Hour
Sets the inactivity time required to enter the next consecutive power saving mode. These features are only available if the Power Management Mode is set to User Defined.
COM Ports Activity Enabled
When enabled, any activity occurring at a serial port will awaken the system.
LPT Port Activity Enabled
HDD Port Activity Enabled
When enabled, any activity occurring at a hard or floppy drive port will awaken the system.
VGA Activity Enabled
When enabled, any activity occurring at VGA will awaken the system.