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992 Motherboard Setup - Standard

Menu Item Options Description
Date MM/DD/YYYY Allows the user to manually set the system date.
Time HH/MM/SS Allows the user to manually set the system time.
Primary Master Type
Primary Slave Type
Secondary Master Type
Secondary Slave Type
1 - 45
Auto causes the BIOS to detect drive parameters at each boot.
User prompts the user to fill in drive parameters manually.
None indicates that no drive is attached.
1 - 45 fills in parameter values for predifined HDD types.
Drive A:
Drive B:
360KB 5¼"
1.2MB 5¼"
720KB 3½"
1.44MB 3½"
2.88MB 3½"
Allows the user to set the drive size and type for floppy drives.
Summary Screen On
Enables/disables the bootup summary screen.
Boot Sequence Allows the user to select the order in which the system searches drives for bootable media.