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Sound 144 AM/SP (Rocky I) Overview

  1. This card is a 16-bit card and supports 8-bit/16-bit recording and playback in both stereo and mono.
  2. The Sound 144AMEM emulates a speaker-phone while the Sound AMSP cards actually are speakerphones. For easier identification the Sound 144AM has a silver cover plate and the Sound 144AMSP version has a black cover plate.
  3. The Sound 144AM/SP uses a proprietary phone line splitter. This sound card will not function properly if the splitter is not used.

Bit/Channels 16-bit STEREO audio card
FM Channels 20 FM channels
FM Operators 4 FM operators.
Sampling Rate 4 kHz to 48 kHz (MONO/STEREO)
Game Port Built in game port with SB/MPU 401 MIDI capability
Ports and Requirements AT Panasonic CR-563 CD-ROM interface Software configurable (CONFIG.EXE)
System Requirements 386DX or greater, Hard drive Line out requirements:2V, p-p Mic in requirements: Mono, 600ê, -75db or better
Sound Card Compatibility 100% compatible with:
  • Sound Blaster Pro
  • Adlib
  • Microsoft Sound System
Built-In Modem These built-in modems are set to COM1 as default. These modems are v.32, v32bis, and v.42bis compatible.
Modem Compatibility Internal Hayes Smartmodem compatible modem.
Fax Class CCITT Group III compatible FAX (Class 2)
Modem 300/1200/2400/4800/7200/9600/12200/14400/19200/28800/38400/57600 BPS (Full or Half Duplex)
Fax 9600/14400 BPS
Protocols Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP), Class 2-5
Bell System 103, 300 bps compatibility asynchronous FSK.
Bell System 212A, 1200 bps asynchronous/synchronous DPSK.
CCITT V21, 300 bps asynchronous/synchronous FSK.
CCITT V22, 1200 bps asynchronous/synchronous DPSK.
CCITT V22bis, 2400 bps asynchronous/synchronous QAM.
CCITT V32, 9600/4800 bps asynchronous/synchronous TCM QAM.
CCITT V32bis, 14400/12000/7200 bps asynchronous/synchronous TCM.
CCITT V42bis, up to 4 to 1 data compression using Lempel-Ziv algorithm.