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Volset.exe Layout

Command Line Format
VOLSET [/?] [/MR] [/MS] [/D] [/option:value ...]

Parameter Function Values
/? Help Message
/MR Reset to defaults setting
/MS Save current setting
/D Display current setting
/V:L,R Sound Blaster Voice Volume L,R = 0--16
/M:V Microphone Volume V = 0--16
/X:L,R Master Volume L,R = 0--16
/F:L,R FM/WaveTable Volume L,R = 0--16
/C:L,R CD Volume L,R = 0--16
/L:L,R Line In Volume L,R = 0--16
/R:V ADC Recording Source V = M-Mic, C-CD, L-Line, X-MIX
/S:V Playback Stereo/Mono V = M--Mono, S--Stereo

Screen Shot of The Volume Settings Program
Volume Settings Program

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