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Hwset.exe Layout

Command Parameters
The format used is:
HWSET [/S | /?] [/MR] [/MS] [/option:value] Parameter
Listed below are the valid parameters:

Parameter Description
/S or /? This parameter is used to display the various options of HWSET.EXE in a single, simplified help screen.
/MR This parameter restores the Sound 336 AM/AMSP to its factory default settings. This parameter is ignored when the EEPROM chip is disabled.
/MS This parameter stores the current values of SOUND 336 AM/AMSP's hardware settings to the EEPROM. This parameter is ignored when the EEPROM is disabled.

Mixer Options And Values
Option Value Description
VV 0-16,0-16 Sets the left channel (0-16) and right channel (0-16) volume for the Sound Blaster compatibility module.
VF 0-16,0-16 Sets the left channel (0-16) and right channel (0-16) volume for the FM Music Synthesizer and Wave Table Synthesizer modules.
VL 0-16,0-16 Sets the left channel (0-16) and right channel (0-16) volume for the Line-in and CD-audio sources.
VM 0-16 Sets the volume for the microphone.

To set the Sound Blaster compatibility module's left channel volume to 10 and the right channel volume to 12, type:
HWSET /VV:10,12 <Enter>

If a single value is specified, this value will apply to both left and right channel volumes.

Hardware Options And Values
Option Value Description
/SBA:X 220 or 240 Sets the Sound Blaster compatibility module's I/O port address range.
/SBDMA:X 0,1,3 Set Sound Blaster DMA Channel
/MPUA:X 300 or 330 Sets the MPU401 (MIDI) module's I/O port address range.
/MSSA:X 530, 604, E80 or F40 Sets the Microsoft Windows Sound System compatibility module's I/O port address range.
/SBIRQ:X 2,5,7 or 10 Sets the Sound Blaster compatibility module's interrupt.
/MPUIRQ 2,5,7 or 10 Sets the MPU401 (MIDI) module's interrupt.
/CD:X P(anasonic) or D This option sets the type of CD-ROM drive connected to the sound card. Set this option to "D" if there is no CD-ROM drive.
/GPA:X D or E Enables (E) or disables (D) the SOUND 336 AM/AMSP's game port.
/MSS:X D or E Enables (E) or disables (D) the Microsoft Windows Sound System compatibility module.
/MPU:X D or E Enables (E) or disables (D) the MPU401 (MIDI) module.
/COMP:X 1, 2, 3, 4, D--Disable Set Comm Port
/COMI:X 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 Sets Comm Port Interrupt

To set the CD-ROM drive type to PANASONIC and the CD-ROM drive's IRQ to 15, type:
HWSET /CD:P /CDIRQ:15 <Enter>

Hwset.exe /? Screen Shot

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