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Rocky 2.5 28kB, Europe Overview

Sound Card
  1. Sound inputs: Audio and digital to mixer.
  2. Sound Outputs: Audio and digital from mixer.
  3. Audio Outputs: Line Out.
  4. Mixing: Mic, Line-In, TV, Radio, CD Synthesizer, wave table, PCM Audio.
  5. Volume Control: Master & Mixer.

Integrated 28.8kbps Data/ Fax Voice Modem.

Game & MIDI
MPU 401 UART mode MIDI interface. The MIDI port doubles as a game port providing support for 2 joysticks.


  1. Supports Plug and Play (PnP) and non Plug and Play modes.
  2. Microsoft Windows Sound System, Sound Blaster 2 and S.B. PRO, Adlib, MIDI compliance, Roland MPU401, Roland MT 32.
  3. Effects: Panasonic 3D sound processor.
  4. Wavetable Upgrade: Provision for Wavetable Synthesis upgrade board.


  1. 16/8 bit Stereo digital recording and playback.
  2. I/O transfers: Interrupt driven, 8bit DMA, or programmable.
  3. Sampling rate: selectable up to 48kHz.
  4. Dynamic range: than 80 dB (with digital interpolation filter).
  5. Filtering: Automatic, programmable to sampling rate.