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CAB And INF File Locations On Restore CDs

The CAB and INF file locations shown below are for the 175XXX-XX and 368-XXXXX-XXX series CDs.

Windows 98 Restore CDs
In case the driver files are missing or destroyed, the setup information files (INF Files) are located on the Restore CD at:
X:\Win98\Windows\Inf\ (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

The driver files (Cabs) are located on the Windows 98 Restore CD at:
X:\Win98\Windows\Options\Cabs (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

Windows 95 Restore CDs
In case the driver files are missing or destroyed, the setup information files (INF Files) are located on the Restore CD at:
X:\BU\D\Win95.Dat\Windows\Inf (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

The driver files are located on the Windows 95 Restore CD at:
X:\BU\D\Win95.Dat\Windows\Options\CABS (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

Older Restore CDs
The INF files and CAB files can be located in a number of places depending on the restore CD and the hardware being installed. These would be very difficult to display all in one list. The best way to find what you are looking for with these CDs is to use the FIND feature in Windows 95/98.