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After installing Windows 98 end-user may encounter the following difficulties.
  1. Modem does not appear in device manager.
  2. When running modem diagnostics get error "Port already open".
  3. Dial up networking applications may not be able to access the modem.
  4. Turbovbf.vxd is not found on boot up.

Download SND4-W98.EXE
If unable to download this file, proceed with the steps below to manually fix the situation.

Note: Before making any changes to the system click start, select RUN and type "Scanreg" (without the quotation marks). Click OK. If you get a message stating that the registry has been backed up click yes to back the registry up again.

  1. Right click "My Computer" and select properties (This will open the System Properties window).
  2. Click the Device Manager tab.
  3. Remove the Sound 4 Winmodem from the Modem listing (if present).
  4. Remove any unknown devices from the Other Devices listing.
  5. Remove any port with "Sound 4 Winmodem" annotated beside it under Ports (Com & LPT).
  6. Close Device Manager.
  7. Click 'Start', 'Settings', then 'Control Panel'.
  8. Locate an icon named 'Sound 4 Winmodem' (it will look like a phone with a floppy disk where the number would normally be.
  9. Double click the 'Sound 4 Winmodem' icon (This will open the Sound 4 Winmodem properties). A message stating there is no Winmodem attached to this system and that it is removing unneeded registry entries should appear. Click OK.
  10. Close Control Panel.

    Note: The following section removes old INF files and registry keys to permit redetection and installation of the Sound 4 Winmodem.

  11. Click 'Start' and then 'Find', 'Files or Folders'.
  12. In the Named filed type *.INF
  13. In the Containing Text field type AZT3011_DEV0004
  14. In the Look in field type C:\WINDOWS\INF
  15. Click 'Find Now'.
  16. Click on one of the files in the Window at the bottom of the Find Screen. Press CTRL+A to select all files found and press DELETE. A message to confirm that these files are to be sent to the Recycle Bin will appear. Click on 'Yes'.
  17. In the Containing Text field erase AZT3011_DEV0004 and type AZT3011/DEV004 (without the quotation marks).
  18. Click Find Now.
  19. Click on one of the files in the Window at the bottom of the screen. Press CTRL+A to select all files found and press DELETE. A message to confirm that these files are to be sent to the Recycle Bin will appear. Click on 'Yes'.
  20. Click on 'Find Files'.
  21. Click 'Start', 'Run', 'Regedit'.
  22. Click on 'Edit'. Click on 'Find'.
  23. Type in AZT3011 and press enter.

    Here are examples of the keys that need to be found:

  24. If one of the above keys is found and highlighted, press the DELETE key. Click 'OK' for confirmation of the delete.
  25. If one of the above keys is not found, press F3 until the correct key is found or the message "Finished Searching Through The Registry" is displayed. If the correct key is found, press the DELETE key.
  26. Close Registry Editor, then reopen it. Click 'Start', 'Run', and 'Regedit'.
  27. Click on 'Edit'. Click on 'Find'.
  28. Type in WINMODEM and press ENTER.

    Here is an example of the key that needs to be found:

  29. If the above key is found and highlighted, press the DELETE key. Press OK for confirmation of the delete.
  30. If the above key is not found, press F3 until the correct key is found or the message "Finished Searching Through the Registry" is displayed. If the correct key is found, press the DEL key.
  31. Close Registry Editor.

    Note: The following section installs the drivers for the Sound 4 Winmodem.

  32. Click Start / Find / Files or Folders.
  33. In the Named field type W*.INF.
  34. The Containing Text field should be blank.
  35. In Look in type C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS.
  36. Click 'Find Now'.
  37. Copy all found files to a floppy disk.
    1. Insert a blank diskette into drive A:.
    2. Press Ctrl and A together to highlight all of the files in the find files window.
    3. Right click on the first file.
    4. In the menu that is presented, highlight SEND TO.
    5. In the menu that slides out, click on 3 1/2 Floppy A:
  38. Close Find Files.
  39. Click Start / Run.
  40. Type the following line to extract the additional driver files.

    Extract C:\Windows\Options\Cabs\T4Wmodem *.* /L A:

  41. Remove the diskette.
  42. Restart Windows.
  43. During the Windows splash screen (Clouds screen) put the diskette back in.
  44. During the boot to Windows should find new hardware (ATZ3011 Sound device) and should present the New Hardware Wizard.
  45. Click Next until the option to specify a file location is presented.
  46. Place a check mark in Specify Location and remove all other check marks.
  47. In the Specify Location field type A:\
  48. Click Next and Finish when prompted.
  49. Restart Windows.
  50. Test functionality in Modem Diagnostics, Phone Dialer, and Dial up networking.