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Miro Cassius Setup In Windows 95


In Windows 95 the Miro card is using the built-in Windows 95 driver "28.8 MWave data fax" from IBM. The modem wizard (from the control panel) will recognize this modem.

Installation Method 1

  1. Click on Start, go to Settings, and click on the Control Panel.
  2. Doubleclick on Modem and allow Windows 95 to search for the modem.
  3. Windows 95 will detect Modem and install the necessary drivers.
  4. If it is not recognized automatically check the PBIRport setting (see the Windows 95 or Navigator 3.5 Helpfile) and check the hardware configuration of the MIRO with MWCONFIG.EXE. As mentioned before it's always necessary to include the device in the CONFIG.SYS.

Installation Method 2

  1. Click on Start, go to Find, and click on Find File or Folders.
  2. Enter OEMSETUP.INF and click on Find Now.
  3. At least 3 OEMSETUP.INFs will be found.
  4. Right click on the OEMSETUPs in the following directories and select Install.