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810 Jumpers

All jumpers on this motherboard are 2-pin or 3-pin jumpers. Pin 1 may indicated by a slight notch at the base of the jumper block, or a small white triangle pointing to Pin 1.
2-pin Jumper    3-pin Jumper

Password Clear Jumper
Function Jumpers Configuration
Password JP6 Open - Password Enabled (Default)
Close - Password Clear

Processor & Bus Frequency Jumpers
Freq. (MHz)

Host Bus
Freq. (MHz)
133 ON OFF OFF 2-3 1-2 66
150 OFF ON ON 2-3 2-3 60
166 ON OFF OFF 2-3 2-3 66
200 ON OFF OFF 1-2 2-3 66
233 ON OFF OFF 1-2 1-2 66
The Cyrix M II 266 is NOT a 266MHz processor. Use the settings listed for a 200MHz processor. These settings are also printed on the surface of the processor itself.  Please refer to the Processor Interface Voltage Select table below for additional jumper setting information..

Processor Bus/Core Speed Select
Bus Speed JP16 JP17
2/3 Bus/Core Frequency Ratio 1-2 1-2
1/2 Bus/Core Frequency Ratio 2-3 1-2
2/5 Bus/Core Frequency Ratio 2-3 2-3
1/3 Bus/Core Frequency Ratio 1-2 2-3

Processor Interface Voltage Select
CPU Type JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10 JP11
P54C 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
P55C 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
M II 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3

Processor Core Voltage Select
Description CPU Voltage JP20 JP21 JP22
VR 3.3V Default ON OFF OFF
VRE 3.52V for 200MHz CPU OFF OFF OFF
P55C 2.8V for P55C CPU OFF OFF ON
Cyrix M II 2.9V OFF ON OFF