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Midplay.Exe Layout

To run this program type in this command line:
MIDPLAY <MIDIfilename>

Use ENDPLAY.EXE to stop the playback of the .MID file. This program is in the C:\SOUND336\VOYETRA\CMDPLAY directory.

VMP16.COM is located in the same directory as Midplay.exe and should be run before Midplay.exe to set options.

Command Line Switches
/AMEM:xx Specifies the Kbytes of Digital Audio Memory reserved
/CLP or /CLP:xx To reserve memory for the Command Line Player
/CD:x Specifies which CD-ROM to use
/NETFIX Errors with non-NOVELL networks
/LINE or /MIC Forces default record source
/MPORT Uses the port options in MIDI files
/LOOP Sets MIDI files to play continuously
/HILO:x Overrides Channel Steering Logic
/RES:x Sets the Vapi timer to an x msec period
/REM To remove