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Say It! Layout

Say It! Screen Shot

Screen Areas And Controls
Scroll Bar

During recording, the Scroll Bar displays the amount of elapsed time relative to the maximum length. During playback, the Scroll Bar displays the current position relative to the length of the recording. Use the Scroll Bar to select a specific point in the recording from which to play.

The Say It! transport is designed for quick and easy operation. Rewinding is done automatically, each time the "Stop" button is pressed. The user may move to any portion of the recording with the Scroll Bar.

Displays the maximum allowable recording length. To adjust, choose "Maximum Length" from the Setup menu.

Displays the current record/playback position in the format: [minutes:seconds].

Displays the current status of Say It: Ready (stopped), Playing, Recording, or Paused.

After recording a note, pressing the "Accept" button will embed the note as an OLE object into the document at the current insertion point. If working in a non-OLE application, pressing the "Accept" button will have no real effect, other than to minimize Say It!.

The "Cancel" button aborts the recording and minimizes Say It!.

Menu Commands

Copies the current recording into Say It's Clipboard. For transferring recordings into WinDAT for editing. The Copy command may be used to manually embed recordings into a document. Use Say It's "Copy" command to copy the recording to the Clipboard. Use the OLE client's "Paste" command to embed the recording into the document.

Pastes the contents of Say It's Clipboard directly into Say It!. This feature allows the user to transfer recordings from WinDAT into Say It!.

Setup Auto Record
When "Auto Record" is enabled, Say It! automatically begins recording as soon as it is activated.

Hot Key
The user may activate Say It! by pressing a pre-determined QWERTY key combination called a "Hot Key". Although the default Hot Key is "<CTRL>-R," the user may change this by choosing "Hot Key" from the Setup menu.

Maximum Length
The Maximum Length dialog box allows the user to set the maximum allowable recording length in the format [minutes:seconds]. Because digital audio files can get rather large, it is important to set a reasonable maximum recording length to limit the file size of the recordings. The maximum length can be set to any value between one second and two minutes.

Always On Top
When the Always on Top option is enabled, Say It! will always appear on top of any other applications.
This prevents the Say It! window from getting "lost" when the Windows desktop is tiled with a number of applications.

Activates the Say It! On-line Help system.

About Say It!
Displays a dialog box with copyright information and the revision number.

Loading Say It!
There are two different ways to load Say It!
In most cases, the installation program will add Say It! to the Startup group. Using this method, Say It! is automatically started every time Windows is ran. It reduces to an icon ready to activate as soon as the user presses the Hot Key.

Activating Say It!
Once Say It! has been loaded, the user can use one of several different methods to activate it: Press the Hot Key sequence from the QWERTY keyboard. The default is <CTRL>-R; however, to customize Say It's Hot Key, choose "Hot Key" from the Setup.
Double-click on the Say It
Select "Record Note" from the System menu an the OLE client application (Windows Write, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.). Press <ALT>-<TAB> repeatedly until the Say It! name and icon appears in the Windows Program Selector box.

Recording A Note
To record a note with Say It, the user must have the sound card properly installed and a microphone hooked up to it. The sound card's Windows mixer setting must be set correctly to allow input from the microphone at a reasonable level. To record a voice note with Say It: If Say It! was not loaded automatically as part of the Startup group, double-click on its icon. Run the OLE client application, then load or create the desired document. If the user wants to experiment with Say It, run Windows Write and load a document.

From within the document, click on the location where the embeded recording is desired.
Press the Hot Key sequence (the default is <CTRL>-R) to activate Say It!. If "Auto Record" is enabled, Say It! will begin recording immediately. If "Auto Record" is not enabled, click on the Record button twice to begin recording. Speak into the microphone. When done recording, press the "Stop" button. This will cause Say It! to stop recording and rewind to the beginning of the note. If desired, click on the "Play" button to check or verify what was recorded. If the recording is acceptable, click on the "Accept" button to embed it into the document. The note will automatically be embedded at the location specified.

Re-Recording A Note
Press the "Record" button twice. Say It! will not embed the message until the user presses the "Accept" button.

To Hear A Note Embedded In The Document
Double-click on the embedded Say It! or WinDAT icon in the document. Click on the embedded icon and choose Say It! Object, Play from the OLE client's Edit menu.

Editing A Note
WITH WINDAT Say It! recordings can be pasted into Voyetra's WinDAT program for convenient editing. Double click on the WinDat icon to launch the WinDAT program. Choose Copy from the Say It! "Edit" menu to copy the recording into the Windows clipboard. Without minimizing Say It!, choose "Paste" from the "Edit" menu in WinDAT. This will paste the recording into WinDAT and allow the user to edit it. Once the editing has been completed, choose Select All from the "Edit" menu in WinDAT then choose Copy. This will copy the edited recording into the Windows clipboard.

Without closing or minimizing WinDAT choose Paste from the Say It! "Edit" menu to paste the file back into Say It!. Finally, press Accept to update the document with the edited recording. Alternatively, the user may bypass steps 4-6 by simply dragging WinDAT's drag-and-drop icon to the desired location in the document.

Configuring Say It'S Hot Key
Say It! can be activated by pressing a hot key combination. The default is <CTRL>-R, this may be changed to a different key combination. Select Hot Key from the Setup menu. The <CTRL> key will always be a part of the key combination, however the user may select any letter or number and the <ALT> or <Shift> keys to be a part of the new Hot Key combination. Press "OK" to accept the new Hot key combination.