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AudioCalendar Layout

Month View Menu Commands
To display the Month View Menu, Right-Click anywhere on the Month View.
Changes the month display to the next month.

Changes the month display to the previous month.

Allows the user to select a specific month and year.

Changes the month display from any date to current date.

Show Day View
Launches the day view window for the current day.

Customize Title
Presents a dialog box which lets the user customize the title on the calendar's month view.

Start Week On
Prompts a dialog box which lets the user select which day the week starts on in the month display.

Clear Events
Presents a dialog box which lets the user clear dated audio and text events from the hard drive.

Toggles the month view between Windows mode and Blotter mode.

Quits the Audio Calendar application.

Day View Menu Commands

File Data Directory
Prompts Data Directory Dialog Box which allows the user to change the directory where Audio Calendar stores its data.

Clear Events
Presents a dialog which lets the user clear dated audio and text events from the hard drive.

Closes the Day View window.

These menu commands are the same as the Month View Menu commands. See previous section for an explanation of these commands.

Alarm Set
Sets the alarm for the currently selected time.

Prompts a dialog box which allows the user to change the alarm sound and set the pre-alarm time.

Help Contents
Displays the Help Program.

About Audio Calendar
Displays the Audio Calendar About Box with version and date information.

Accessing The Menu From Month View

To access the month view's menu, right click anywhere on the calendar screen.

Accessing The Day View Screen
Double click on any calendar day in the month view. This will display the day view for the selected day.

Adding A Special Event To A Day In Month View
The Audio Calendar lets the user display special events in each day of the month view to remind the user of birthdays and appointments, etc. To insert a special calendar event:
Choose the day by double clicking on the desired day. This will launch the day view.
Click in the Calendar Event box.
Type in the text to appear in the month view.
Close the day view by selecting Close from the Files menu or by double clicking in the upper left hand corner of the day view window.
The text will appear in the desired date.

Changing The Alarm Sound
The alarm for the Audio Calendar is a standard .WAV file. This may be changed to any .WAV file the user chooses.
Select the Default item from the Alarm menu in the day view. This will present a dialog with the alarm presets.
Press the "Change Wave" button and select a file from any directory.
Press "OK" to accept the new file. The new file will be inserted in the Wave File display.

Changing From Blotter Mode To Window Mode
The month view can be displayed full screen or in a window. The full screen mode is called "blotter" mode because it resembles a traditional desktop blotter calendar. When in blotter mode the month view is always the bottom window. This allows the user to see the month view by minimizing the programs currently running. To change between views:
Call up the month view menu by right clicking the mouse anywhere on the month view.
Choose Restore Window to toggle from blotter mode to window mode. If the user is already in window mode, choose Blotter to toggle from window mode to blotter mode.

Changing The Data Directory
The directory where Audio Calendar stores its audio and text data can be changed. From the day view, choose the Data Directory item in the Files menu. Type in the full path of the new directory. Press OK to accept the change.

Entering Appointments
To enter an appointment in the day view , select the day to add an appointment to and click on the desired time slot. Type in the name of the appointment. The up and down arrow keys move the cursor through the appointment times. The user may associate an alarm, audio voice message or a text note with each appointment.

Formatting The Month View
The format of the month view can be changed so that the "week" starts on any desired day. For example, the user can start the week on Sunday and end it on Saturday or start the week on Monday and show Saturday and Sunday at the end of the week.
From the month view, right click to display the month view menu.
Choose the item Start Week On... This will display a dialog box for choosing the week to start on.
Select the desired day from the combo box and press OK to accept the change.

Listening to a Audio Message
A speaker icon located next to a time slot in the Audio Calendar day view indicates that there is an audio message associated with that time. To play the message, click on the time slot with the icon and press the play button on the record message transport.

Recording A Voice Message
To record an audio voice message the user must have the sound card properly installed and a microphone hooked up to it. The user must configure the sound card's Windows mixer so that the user can record from the microphone input at a reasonable level.
Click on a time slot to select the time to associate the audio message with. After recording the message a speaker icon will appear next to the selected time, indicating that there is an audio message.
Press the "record" button. The red LED will begin blinking, indicating that the recorder is in record/standby mode.
To begin recording, press "play" and speak into the microphone.
When the message is completed, press stop. The speaker icon will appear next to the selected time slot.
To hear the message, press "play."

Setting The Alarm
To set an alarm, double click on the time slot indicating the time desired for the alarm to ring. An icon of a bell will appear next to the selected time. If desired to have an alarm to sound at a time before the appointments, adjust the pre-alarm time.

Setting The Pre-Alarm Time
The pre-alarm time allows the user to trigger the alarm at a desired time before the selected appointment. This provides early warning for upcoming appointments or meetings. The user can set the pre-alarm to trigger up to 60 minutes before the appointment time. To set the pre-alarm time:
Select the default item from the Alarm menu in the day view screen.
Increase or decrease the pre-alarm time by clicking in the upper or lower half of the pre-alarm numerical.
Press OK to accept the new setting.