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Caution Only authorized service personnel should upgrade the system. Anyone who wants to upgrade the system themselves should know about the dangers of ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and the necessary precautions. Unknowingly zapping the components of the computer will void the warranty.

Memory upgrades must be performed by a service center. This avoids damaging the case while removing the memory upgrade access panel.
The mainboard has three memory module sockets that take proprietary SIPPs.
They come standard with the system. For information on obtaining RAM upgrades for the Statesman, please contact Packard Bell end user Service (801) 579-0160.

Adding SIPPs
Open the memory access panel by placing a small screwdriver or a fingernail into the two recessed slots at the bottom of the access panel.

The access panel is easier to open when the LCD is open.

The view below shows the exposed SIPP upgrade sockets after removing the access panel. The SIPPs install in only one direction. The SIPP sockets have notched sides to hold the SIPP in place.

No jumper or setup changes are necessary. The BIOS POST memory count should automatically recognize the added memory.