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Miro Cassius Setup

The program MWCONFIG.EXE is used to change the hardware configuration.

Config.sys Settings
Autoexec.bat Settings
System.ini Settings
Win.ini Settings
Windows 95 Installation

For the Miro card it is necessary to include the line:

DEVICE=C:\MWAVE_C\MWDD0410.EXE in the C:\CONFIG.SYS. This is the driver which will directly interact with the hardware of the Miro card. Without this line the modem and sound card will not be detected.

In the C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT the file MWAVE.BAT is called to initialize the Miro Cassius card. The MWAVE.BAT program will display a menu program. This is the FASTCFG program to choose how the Miro MWAVE will be configured. The four options are:

The choices concern DOS programs only. The first setting is the default and will automatically be chosen after 5 seconds. Although it's not configuring Windows, it is necessary to run this batch file because it will initialise the Miro card for further use.